
Hank Aaron先生非常喜愛勇士隊的復古球衣,這件球衣湧起了以前的與隊友一同征戰的回憶,自從球隊在1966年Milwaukee般到現在的Atlanta。當他拿起新的球衣,Aaron很快的提醒其中主要的不同,也調皮的說:我們以前可是要被迫穿那種厚重又不舒適的球衣呢!在星期日過78歲生日的他說:"I think I could play a doubleheader in this."(我想我穿這件球衣會打得比以往更棒)。

ATL Braves new jerseys.jpg  

(笑得很靦腆的Chipper Jones)

今年這件復古球衣會出現在周末的主場比賽,乳白的球衣加上褲子,傳統的深藍底紅帽簷的帽子,Chipper Jones, Dan Uggla和Brian McCann都在星期一參與了球衣發表會,聽聽老將Jones怎麼說。

"It's nice to keep things fresh," Jones said. "I think everybody was excited a few years ago when we got the new blue uniforms that we wear on the road. The last few years, we've worn the red [jersey] on the weekends. I think the guys really embrace any kind of subtle change, especially one this classy. It harkens back to the days when [Aaron] was terrorizing the big leagues. I'm proud to wear it." (保持創新是件好事,我想大家對前幾年的藍色球衣感到興奮,我覺得大家都很能接受這微妙的改變,這件球衣更是優雅無比,我很榮幸可以穿上它。)




勇士隊銷售部執行長Derek Schiller說:"它是一件永久的球衣,你可以現在穿它,甚至一二十年後你都會一直穿它,我想這件球衣是很吸引球員和球迷的。"

"We're always looking for a nice subtle change."(我們一直在找尋好的改變)強打Uggla說隨後又補充到 "It adds a little spice to our uniform."。

"The uniforms mean a lot to a player."(新的球衣對球員的意義重大) Aaron說 "These are beautiful uniforms, and I'm sure they're going to like them." (我相信這群小夥子會很快愛上這件球衣的)


筆者希望勇士不要在像上季一樣在季後賽差臨門一腳了,good luck "new" Bravers.



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