
魔術炒掉了原本的總管O.Smith和教練Stan Van Gundy,魔術的重建工作也隨之開始,新GM是年僅30歲全聯盟最年輕的總管Rob Hennigan,他曾任職聖安東尼馬刺隊和奧克拉瑪雷霆隊的總管,看看近年馬刺與雷霆的選秀或交易,你可以開始期待他會怎麼用他那獨到的眼光為魔術變一場精彩的秀。


``The easy answer is a lot of work,I’ve had the fortune to work in some incredible places and with some incredible people who have instilled certain beliefs and philosophies in me. We’re all creatures of habit and creatures of our environment and I’m a beneficiary of those things.’’

( 想讓疑惑消除最簡單的事就是下苦功,我很幸運能在不可思議的地方學習到許多觀念,這對我來說受益無窮。 )


魔術希望借助他的總冠軍經驗,還有精準的控制預算能力,攘魔術重返冠軍隊伍的行列,雖然魔術早在季後賽第一輪出局,但是Rob Hennigan可不能閒著,他將在尋找新的教練還有重要的選秀,還有一件大事就是處理Jameer NelsonJ.J. Redick和Ryan Anderson,Nelson可能跳脫合約Redick可能獲得非保障約Anderson則是受限的自由球員。提到合約當然一定有D.Howard的份,Hennigan表示Howard跟洛杉磯眉來眼去,我們只能打情感牌了,如果沒辦法那就只好分道揚鑣,我只做對球隊最好的選擇。


Rob Hennigan在馬刺隊時,馬刺的教練Gregg Popovich深深的影響他,而他在前幾年的選秀分別選了George Hill(現溜馬隊)和歐洲長人Tiago Splitter。


Hennigan讓許多球隊刮目相看他憑藉著選秀讓雷霆隊在短時間內快速竄起, Russell Westbrook (2008), Serge Ibaka (2008), James Harden (2009), Rodrigue Beaubois (2009), Eric Bledsoe (2010) and Quincy Pondexter (2010).這些都是Hennigan的代表作。


``Building through the draft is critical, especially going into the new CBA. The draft is the most streamlined, economic model to building a team,’’ Hennigan said. ``As for the players drafted, they are all different. But the players we’ve been fortunate to draft have all had similarities in their makeup and how they approached the game and their discipline and vision.’’



``Simply put, our goal is to build an elite basketball operation both on the court and off the court,’’ Hennigan said. ``If we can stay strategic and stay systematic the end goal is to be sustainable. We want to create something that has some longevity and continuity to it. We want to put into place a basketball operations department and players that this city and all of Central Florida can rally around, support and be proud of. … We’re going to embrace the daily grind and embrace chipping away at trying to get better. It’s a humbling exciting day and I’m ready to get to work.’’



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